I may slightly be a Kid at Heart

Many people see me at this hard working broadcast professional at an event that i am working. They see me barking orders, talking with crew over game day things, even doing some last minute prep. One thing people may know is that i may be the biggest kid at heart.

I made lunch at home today based off some things on social media that were kind of directed at me. I 100% admit im a Plain Jane person. To me, that is part of my identity. I proudly play along with the ha ha over it because most of my friends are dare devils compared to me in the food game (unless we are talking pineapple on pizza).

I enjoy all the time I get to spend with kids. I know they are not mine, but I also want my own some day and a family. Maybe i will get there, and maybe not. I will take advantage of being a kid for a day. Now to work on a tutorial for 3 years olds on how to throw snowballs at people.

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