Category: The About Me Department

Time to Be Directly Indirect

So if you listen to The Poe and Bear Podcast, you will know that I personally was not around for most of the episode that was titled #BlameBear. There are multiple reasons for it, but I will start by...

I may slightly be a Kid at Heart

Many people see me at this hard working broadcast professional at an event that i am working. They see me barking orders, talking with crew over game day things, even doing some last minute prep. One thing people may...

What Im Learning

The truth is, we should never stop learning. the moment we stop learning, we start fading away. Over the past few weeks, i have been undergoing treatment for my tumor and let me tell you, my eyes are being...

I Fall Short Daily

My life for the most part has been pretty amazing. I have had the privilege of doing some amazing things as well as working and spending my time with some amazing people. The one thing in the end is...

Love Always Wins (Except in Tennis)

The last few days have been interesting to say the least. Between getting a diagnosis for my situation to going through stormy weather and much more, the seas have been very choppy. In good times and bad, remember God...

Who Am I?

One day, I was helping Olivia was a speech and it was basically an introduction to yourself. While her speech was a minute and a half, I have a ton of things that make up who I am and...

Stress Relief is Needed

To my readers, I owe you some an explanation as to why I haven’t posted things in the past couple of weeks. There are several things I will put into this post that are very personal to me. I...