Time To Say Goodbye… For Now

At some point in life, we say the words it has been fun while it lasted, but my time here has come and gone. I feel that I am hitting that time with a lot of my social media and that I just need a break. It’s not just that, but from a lot of things.

While a few venues will be up for me, I may not be very active in those areas. One thing I have learned over the last few months is that some people are worth not sharing things to the world for.  While I am not going into detail what that may or may not mean, I think I am at a point I need to change some things in my life.

One change is that I need to focus more on quality time with friends and family. That doesn’t mean not ever getting on social media, but it does mean cutting back. Only a handful of people need to know everything in my life. Even then, I haven’t told everyone to everyone. 

Another is more on what I do. I do way too much. Over the next few weeks, I am going to take my time and think about some decisions I am going to be making. While I have some decisions made pretty much already, I’m going to go through the process and make sure it is the right decision before I say or do anything about it. 

Finally, things at home are simply not the best. While this isn’t the venue to talk about it, I seriously am going through a lot. The worst part is I haven’t told my inner circle any of it. As it was, I had something happen about a week and a half ago and had to explain my living will because of some things in it. 

I am not 100% at all. I’m no where close to that figure in fact, but I will eventually be fine. There are a ton of things that are going to be happening and that have been happening. God is the one in control and I am not, but he is in charge in the end. 

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